분류 전체보기
BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding 논문 한글 번역 - 3
2020.01.27 by [성운]
BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding 논문 한글 번역 - 2
2020.01.27 by [성운]
BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding 논문 한글 번역 - 1
2020.01.27 by [성운]
Transformer - Attention Is All You Need 논문 한글 번역
2020.01.05 by [성운]
[Tensorboard]ValueError: Duplicate plugins for name projector
2019.12.05 by [성운]
[Deep Learning - 딥러닝]수학 배경 지식(벡터, 행렬, 연쇄법칙, 합성함수, 미분, 기울기)
2019.09.21 by [성운]
[Deep Learning - 딥러닝]MNIST Classification - 손글씨 분류기 소스 구현
2019.09.19 by [성운]
[Deep Learning - 딥러닝]MNIST Classification - 손글씨 분류기 소스 구현
2019.09.14 by [성운]